Mudanzas internacionales
Mudanzas nacionales

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Remssa es un equipo formado por personas experimentadas en Chile en lo que a mudanzas internacionales se refiere.

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basado en 7
reseñas de Sirelo y Google
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 en Sirelo
It supposed to be door to door moving, with all expenses paid from origin, I will have to pay only the local expenses, such as customs, taxes, duties. The local expenses according the quotation from Remssa where between 300 usd and 600 usd. Imagine my surprise when I got an invoice of 1200 euros! payable through immediate bank transfer to the local agent Company name Active Moving. A parking permit of 150 euros (of course all fees), 650 euros for unexpected expenses, nothing clear! I was totally abused! I also inform Active Moving that I will do the parking permit by my own but they hide me the information about the truck and who was really transporting the goods in Germany, and they forced me to pay that Parking Permit that in the truth costs 5 euros. Remssa witnessed all and said nothing! They don´t speak English! unbelievable. Remssa really don't care after you paid them.
Lack of information, people in this company doesn't speak English
Your belongings will be managed from unprofessional agent in destination
Mudanza de Santiago (Chile) a Ingolstadt (Germany)

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